Category: Freelancing

5 Different Ways to get Unlimited Clients Online

As the world of online business continues to evolve, the process of acquiring clients has become both a science and an art. With an ever-growing pool of potential clients available through the digital realm, it has become essential to explore and implement diverse strategies to tap into this virtually limitless market. In this blog post, we will explore five proven and effective methods that can be used to acquire an unlimited number of clients online, which will ultimately help you grow your business exponentially. I. Google Maps As a business professional, you have a strategic and personalized approach to acquiring

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The Story of How I Launched My Online Career -Making the Digital Leap

My name is Jane Njambi from Thika Kenya. I work from home and help small business owners with digital marketing, graphics design, contect creation and web-design. I hold a BA in Community Development. I graduated in 2016 and couldn’t secure a job so I turned to the internet and started doing affiliate marketing. I was surprised when I made $664 in just 11 days and from that moment I decided to stick to the internet. I run a youtube channel where I teach people different things they can do online. I have done a variety like dropshipping products from aliexpress

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Step by Step Guide on how to Master the Art of Freelancing from Scratch

Hello there, fellow freelancers and aspiring ones! I’m thrilled to take you on a journey about my freelancing adventure – one that’s packed with networking, creativity, and a whole lot of learning. I’m here to spill the beans on how I cracked the code to consistently landing clients using LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook. So, buckle up and get ready for some insider insights! My name is Jane Njambi ,I specialize in digital marketing, web design, and graphics design.Guess what?I taught myself all about digital marketing, web design, and graphics design by watching fun videos on YouTube, taking cool courses on

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How to Find Clients in FaceBook Groups as a Small Business Owner

In the constantly changing world of digital marketing, Facebook groups have become a valuable resource for small business owners looking to grow their customer base. These communities offer a unique space for building genuine connections and engagement. In this guide, we will explore four key strategies – Polls, Posting Helpful Content, Responding in Comment Sections, and Sending DMs – to help small business owners make the most of Facebook groups for acquiring new clients. Using Polls to Gain Market Insight Facebook group polls can be a powerful tool for gaining insights into your target audience’s preferences and needs. By crafting

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How LinkedIn Polls Can help Small Business Owners Find Clients Online

How to get clients for your business using Linkedin polls

LinkedIn has become more than just a professional networking platform. It offers a variety of tools that businesses can use to acquire clients and grow their reach. One of the most innovative approaches to client acquisition is through the use of LinkedIn Polls. In this article, we will explore how businesses can strategically use LinkedIn Polls to foster stronger relationships with clients and expand their reach. By taking advantage of this powerful tool, businesses can gain valuable insights into their clients’ preferences and needs, while also demonstrating their commitment to providing excellent customer service. I. Understanding LinkedIn Polls LinkedIn Polls

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